Rules & Guidelines

  • Art, writing, cosplay, headcanons, playlists, and other forms of creative work are accepted.

  • Please use the hashtag #ryukitaweek2024 on Twitter and Tumblr so we can share submissions to the event accounts!

  • Written works for this event can be added to the AO3 collection titled “Ryukita Week 2024”.

  • Late submissions are ok! If you post late, don't forget to mention @ryukitaweek on Twitter/Tumblr and use the event hashtag so we can share it on the event accounts.

  • Include the prompt somewhere in your piece (within the image, caption, summary, or notes).

  • Other ships can be included, but the focus should remain on Ryuji and Yusuke as a couple.

  • Mature works are allowed, as are heavy topics such as abuse/death/etc. with appropriate content warnings. Explicit content will not be shared by the ship week accounts.

  • Plagiarism, theft, and the use of generative AI are not allowed. This includes edits of other artists' work, such as manga panels and fanmade illustrations. Any work you post must be your own.

  • You don’t have to participate every day; this event is not a challenge, its a celebration! Have fun!

Schedule (12/8 - 12/14)

DatePrompt | テーマ
12/8Reunion | 再会
12/9Status Condition | 状態異常
12/10Comfort | 慰め
12/11Fantasy AU | 童話・おとぎ話
12/12Vacation | バケーション
12/13Domesticity | 家庭生活
12/14Thanks for the Meal! | ご馳走様でした!
  • Please use the hashtag #ryukitaweek2024 or mention the account @ryukitaweek when posting to social media.

  • Written works can be added to the AO3 collection titled “Ryukita Week 2024”.

  • Mature works are allowed with appropriate content warnings. Explicit content will not be shared by the ship week accounts.

  • Late submissions are ok!

  • ソーシャルメディアに投稿する際は、ハッシュタグ #ryukitaweek2024 またはアカウント @ryukitaweek を明記してください。

  • 執筆された作品は、AO3コレクション「Ryukita Week 2024」に追加することができます。

  • 成人向け作品は、内容に関する注意書きがあればOKです。

  • 遅れての投稿はOKです!


When I picked up P5 in 2021, I didn't expect Ryuji and Yusuke to change my life so drastically. I can't imagine I'll stop writing about their dynamic anytime soon and will absolutely continue to encourage others to partake in the joys of our two favorite Phantom Thieves!


Persona (not only 5!) became one of my favourite series because of my husband - we share that sentiment to this day! My love for Ryukita blossomed a little later, and the reason - as it often happens - was AO3! Since then I created the Ryukita Daily Twitter account and helped co-organize two ryukita weeks! I hope this year will gather an even larger group of Yusuke and Ryuji fans, so we can share our love for those two guys together!


Purveyor of all things 🦊💀, I’ve been manning this ship since 2017 and I’ll never stop writing or drawing or thinking about them! FoxSkull Forever!

Prompt Voting OPEN!

Sept. 9 - Oct. 6